Thursday, May 20, 2010

2 1/2 Year Check-Up Day

Nolan's friend Isabella came over for lunch today.
Then, we went downtown for Nolan's 2 1/2 year well-baby visit. Dr. Li is very pleased with Nolan's growth and development. He continues to maintain his personal growth curve while weighing in at 38 pounds, 8 ounces and measuring 38 1/4 inches tall. His head is 51.9 centimeters. He is officially off the charts for his weight and is above the 97th percentile for his height and head circumference. Nolan is just blossoming and doing so well! He is such a fun toddler and makes every day special!
He helped clean some crumbs from a fallen pretzel bag.
He loves his train cup from Pops and MoMo.
He LOVES his teddy.
He loves to smile!


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