Monday, November 22, 2010

Three Year Stats and Downtown

Nolan had his three year well-child visit downtown on Friday. He was perfect during the appointment until the nurse gave him an unexpected booster shot at the end. He recovered nicely but was bummed about that was a dirty trick!
Nolan is 39 inches tall (above the 75th percentile) and 41 pounds (above the 95th percentile). He continues on his growth curve and is a healthy little boy!
We hung out downtown with Pops and MoMo and went to the Macy's Christmas windows. The theme was "Yes, Virginia."
He had fun walking through Macy's to see the big Christmas tree.

We took a postcard to write a letter to Santa.

We went to dinner downtown and then to Pops' basketball game at University of Chicago.

We had a fun day and a great kick-off to the Christmas season!


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